Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common things we see at Young Chiropractic; and that's no surprise considering about 80% of Canadians will experience back pain at some point in their lives. If you've ever suffered from severe back pain, you understand it can be utterly debilitating. Back pain can affect how you walk, work, prevent you from getting comfortable sitting or lying down, as well as stop you from doing the activities you love. 

Common causes of back pain include poor posture, lack of regular exercise, sports related injuries, car accidents and degenerative conditions such as arthritis or disc disease. The impact of back pain can be profound, affecting daily activities, work productivity, and overall quality of life.

Due to the varying nature of back pain, it's important to be thorough in taking clinical history and performing a proper exam, something we at Young Chiropractic pride ourselves in. This allows you to know exactly what is causing your pain. 

How Does This Pain Feel?

Patients at Young Chiropractic describe their back pain anywhere from a dull ache that bothers them from time to time, to searing, stabbing pain radiating down their entire leg. There is a vast array of feeling that is encompassed with low back pain, and very rarely will two people present with similar pain even if they are suffering from the same condition.

Common Causes:

  • Poor posture / spinal misalignment 
  • Muscle imbalance 
  • Prolonged sitting with standing breaks
  • Inactivity
  • Trauma
  • Sports injuries
  • Poor lifting technique
  • Pregnancy
  • Underlying disease or pathology (rare)

How Can Chiropractic Help Low Back Pain?

At Young Chiropractic, we pride ourselves in looking at the body as a whole, not solely focusing on the area that hurts. Normally, many factors will influence your pain and it's important to identify all of them for an accurate diagnosis.

Our assessments begin with diligently reading over your intake form so we're on the same page before you even enter the clinic for your appointment. Once you arrive, you'll meet with the chiropractor and go over your intake form while answering some additional questions. During this process your chiropractor will listen to everything you have to say and determine if we are best suited to help you, or if somebody else is. If there is someone better suited to help, we'll tell you exactly who! If we think we are best fit to help, we then move into the examination.

During the exam, your chiropractor will use a combination of range of motion, muscle tests, sensory exams, reflexes, and orthopaedic tests to get to the bottom of your problem. Once we know what is ailing you, we discuss our findings with you to properly diagnose you.

From here we complete a personalized care plan, designed with your best interests in mind and made to help you reach your goals. Our treatments include gentle spinal and/or extremity adjustments, soft tissue techniques including muscle work, as well as prescriptive exercises or stretches for you to complete at home.

Our chiropractors use a variety of techniques to best cater to you. Not comfortable with a certain adjustment? No problem, we can try another effective adjustment to help deliver the same benefit. Not comfortable with any adjustments whatsoever? No problem, we have many patients who do not want to be adjusted at all. Whatever you need to meet your goals, we will cater our care plans exactly to ensure we help you meet them.


Don't put up with pain any longer.

Let our team at Young Chiropractic help you today!

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Uxbridge Office

282 Main St. N., Suite 200
Uxbridge, ON
L9P 1X4

(905) 904-2379

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Markham Office

1 Mintleaf Gate, Unit 10
Markham, ON
L3P 5X4

(905) 472-5644

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